On December 17, 2012, on a number of websites, particularly, Zham.am, Hetq.am and Lurer.com, some information on accusing «Armenian Copper Programm» company in committing a crime was spread, in the title of which was used the phrase “report on crime”.
The publication of Hetq.am was signed by “Teghout Protection Civil Initiative”, no other information was signed by anyone. Based on the fact that no legal entity is registered in the Republic of Armenia with the name “Teghout Protection Civil Initiative”, and that this name is not exactly identified with any particular individual, it can be concluded that publications do not differ essentially from anonymous statements with legal status, and only the media that disseminates the information may be considered as the subject of the respective communication.
We hereby state that the above-mentioned accusations are unfounded.
Particularly, by our assessment, the publication axis аrе the following claims: “According to the revaluation results of ERM, not only the dark sides of EIA expertise endorsement were revealed and approved by RA Minister of Nature Protection Vardan Ayvazyan in 2006, but it turned out that at present the mine is being exploited by completely new draft, compiled in 2010, which was developed with the help of international consulting organizations «Startkona», «Micromine» and «Kavoshgarden». In 2010 the draft has not passed the procedures prescribed by law and was not subjected to environmental expertise. In other words, the exploitation of Teghout mine is carried out without examination”.
In reality:
«Armenian Copper Programm» CJSC, after transferring the relevant rights to Teghout CJSC, “Teghout” CJSC implementation activities were carried out in the manner prescribed by the work plan of construction of Teghout Processing Plant and Copper-molybdenum mining project (hereinafter Project) , which passed all the required expertise in the manner prescribed by the legislation. At the same time, for the continuous improvement of the business Project, “Vallex” group companies carried out research work, involving leading international organizations in the field of international standards (first of all in terms of improving environmental safety). In the result of mentioned work a package of possible improvements which are parallel to the approved work plan, in 2010 was represented to ERM, for the purpose of carrying out an expert examination of compliance with the requirements of the international financial corporation. In fact, the document made in 2010, is a current outcome of continuing work to improve the approved work plan. Separate solutions that change the situation from the standpoint of environmental impact in the final version of that document, as a supplement to the approved work plan, will, certainly, be submitted to the relevant state authorities in accordance with the procedure and timeframes established by law. Today we can already record that all such supplements are aimed at fixing the obviously favorable environmental considerations within the legal framework.
Considering the above, that the main content of the “crime on report” is exhausted, we should add the following:
Vallex group companies welcome the attempts of constructive criticism of their activities and willingly discuss any proposal that has the potential to improve environmental and other characteristics of the activities. We call on our potential opponents to demonstrate constructive behavior in any situation. Particularly, we think that the persons acting on behalf of “Teghout Protection Civil Initiative”relate to our activities, in their opinion, finding the problematic information, first, in order to get clarifications, they had to apply to Vallex group corresponding service. This would help to avoid unjustified accusations or at least to avoid such misinterpretations as, for example, from the publication in the following citation:
According to 2010 project, the diameter and depth of the open pit were changed. Particularly, according to 2006 project, the depth of the open pit was envisaged 432 meters, while according to new 2010 project the depth of the open pit will make up 890 meters. According to ERM assessment, the depth 890 meters is below sea level (the Baltic Sea level was taken as a basis). Nevertheless, the mine exploitation project does not contain the methods required for deeper drilling than the Baltic Sea, as well as additional land resources and environmental impact assessment required for mine expansion and environmental impact assessment.
In reality:
Both in the work project and in ERM document the same values are reflected. In the work project the technical conditions for ore exploitation are at above 890 m. absolute elevation horizon are given, in this case the difference between the bottom of the open pit and the highest point of the border to be formed or, in other words, the expected depth of the open pit is about 435 m [1]. There is not even a word to have an open pit at depth of 890 m or with an absolute height flooring.
Taking the opportunity, we announce once again, that Vallex group companies respond appropriately to any inquiry of any media representative on their activity, particularly on the Project. In our opinion, that is a good opportunity for the media to exclude or make it less likely to publish unilateral and unreliable information about the Prօject.