On the 13th of December, 2010 visit to the territory of Teghout copper-molybdenum deposit took place in the framework of the conference organized with the initiative of Teghut Defense Group together with Green Alternative organization.
By the invitation of the organizers, representatives of Armenian and Georgian mass media were taking part in the conference. After the proper instructions, the participants (about 20 people) visited those sections of the territory of the deposit that they had in advance expressed a wish to visit, as well as the sections about the visit of which they expressed a wish in the place. They were accompanied by the Vice-president of Vallex Group Companies Arthur Mkrtumyan, Deputy General Director of Teghout cjsc Ruben Papoyan, and other employees.
During the visit, the representatives of Vallex Group Companies thoroughly presented the participants the process of realizing the works planned by the draft of the deposit exploitation, the characteristics of the technologies to be invested in the future enterprise, the possible impact on the environment and the measures to be directed to prevent, decrease and compensate such impact.
After walking around the territory of the deposit, discussion has been organized for the participants in the administrative building of Teghout cjsc by the participation of the President of Vallex Group Companies Valeri Mejlumyan, during which the participants had an opportunity to raise the questions they are concerned with and got answers to them without time or any other limitation.
Namely, answering to the appropriate question raised by the participants arrived from Georgia, it has been justified that the realization of Teghout copper-molybdenum deposit exploitation does not imply any transboundary impact on the environment.
On the 14th of December, Gagik Arzumanyan took part in the discussion organized in Congress Hotel in Yerevan. He first of all presented the aspects of safety concerning Teghout copper-molybdenum deposit exploitation (materials presented), afterwards he referred to the shortcomings and missing data in the documents of the conference.
Namely, there is no any hint in the documents of the conference that for the compensation of deforestations the company plans to afforest 714 ha territory and takes responsibility to take care of these territories until there will be enough preconditions for the formation of forest ecosystem. In the framework of the opportunity given by the organizers, Gagik Arzumanyan answered the questions raised and speeches made by the participants.
In the framework of the information transparency policy of their activities, highlighting the proper participation in such events, Vallex Group Companies always adequately respond to such invitations and within the limits of the possibility contribute to their constructive process.