The competition committee, which has been established according to the “Compensation project for the damage caused to the forestry by logging forest coverage for the realization of Teghout deposit exploitation project” ratified by the joint orders number 295 –A dated on August 22, 2008 and number 151- A dated on August 14, 2008 of the Minister of Nature Protection and the Minister of Agriculture accordingly, in the framework of the above mentioned compensation project, invites bids for afforestation.
Similar competition has been announced on 14 June 2011, but because of incomparability of competition bids, the committee has not been able to sum up the results of the announced competition.
The competition will take place in two lots. According to the project, the lots include afforestation of the following territories:
Lot 1 – Afforestation of about 50 ha land belonging to Arjut community of Lori marz of the Republic of Armenia
Lot 2 – Afforestation of about 30 ha land belonging to Odzun community of Lori marz of the Republic of Armenia.
Application deadline is August 2, 2011, 12:00 am. To take part in the competition it is necessary to submit your applications to the office of Teghout cjsc, 19 Str, Yerevan, Armenia.
The discussion on the applications will take place at 12:10 am, on August 2, 2011 by the same address. The deadline for the results of the discussion is August 5, 2011. All the participants will be given a written notification.
The deadline for signing the appropriate contract with the company/ companies/ selected for afforestation and care is August 12, 2011.
Competition terms and conditions can be found here
Afforestation project can be downloaded from here
For the formation of bidding can be used the following file․