“Teghout” CJSC (hereinafter the Company) organizes a meeting within the SEP (Stakeholder Engagement Plan) of the Teghout mining and processing plant construction and copper-molybdenum deposit exploitation project with the permanent and temporary residents of Teghout and Shnogh and other communities of RA Lori region (who may consider the Company as a potential employer), representatives of city and village municipalities, Lori region municipality, Company’s employees, former owners of the property appeared in the territory of Company’s activity, representatives of the local and international environmental NGO-s, environmental scientific-research institutions, environmental specialists, public activists, mass media, individuals and professional organizations’ representitives engaged in study and preservation of historical and cultural monuments, as well as representatives of Armenian Apostolic Church.
The meeting will take place on October 29, 2014, at 18:00 in the cultural center of Shnogh village of RA Lori region.
The following issues are to be in the agenda of the meeting:
– The amended version of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Arm.) on Teghout mining and processing plant construction and operation project,
– Procedure (Arm.) of foodstuff purchase from the communities,
– Draft of the project on closure of Teghout copper-molybdenum deposit,
– Issue of ensuring the continuity of the project on establishment of orchards realized with the support of “Manes” charitable fund,
– Other issues.
From October 15, 2014 to November 15, 2014, registers will be opened in the offices of the company at the addresses 19th Khanjyan str. Yerevan and Teghout village, in Teghout and Shnogh villages’ and Alaverdi city’s municipalities in order to provide opportunity for the stakeholders to make comments, suggestions, concerns and other messages regarding the issues included in the agenda. During this period it also will be possible to send messages on the issues included in the agenda to the e:mail – pr@vallex.com.
Company anticipates active and constructive participation of the stakeholders.