The environmental protection department conducts works associated with the preparation of ecological documentation package (for operating and projected enterprises) required by Armenian legislation, and, its further conformation, the development of guidelines for maximum permitted discharge of contaminants with industrial effluents and maximum permitted emissions to atmosphere, water consumption and drainage norms, the development of an ecological passport for the enterprise. The department is also specialized in preparation of process regulations, execution of OVOS (Environmental Impact Assessment), preparation of the ecological part of the design documentation and environmental action plans, certification of wastes and emissions. The environmental protection department conducts studies associated with environmental impact assessment (including groundwater, surface water, air, soil, flora and fauna) of operating Armenian mining and metallurgical enterprises (including tailings). Highly qualified experts, biologists, zoologist, soil scientists, etc., are engaged in such comprehensive investigations if necessary.
The environmental protection department also conducts environmental monitoring, seasonal observations of river water compositions (including small tributaries), performs effluent and natural water comprehensive analysis, determines dust and various gas contents in the atmosphere (appropriate license exists).
Apparatus developed by Environmental protection department are implemented at different enterprises of CIS (Norilsk combine, Yujuralnikel, enrichment factories of Russia and Ukraine).
The department developed copper extraction technology from mine waters of Kapan deposit and prepared technological regulations, patented and implemented sulphide containing effluents treatment method at Agarak combine as well as implemented water recycling system with the use of inhibitor – developed mine waters utilization technologies after cleaning and recovery of valuable components; flow sheets for reducing air emissions, including sulphur anhydride. The department was also engaged in wasteless utilization of enrichment factories solid wastes with the production of consumer goods (glass, ochre, etc.).