Vallex group companies participated in the public discussion on Teghout mining plant construction project organized on March 23, 2012, in cultural center after Charles Aznavour of Vanadzor city.
The event was organized by the working group created according to decision No 212-A dated 13.03.2012, of RA Prime-minister Tigran Sargsyan (head of the group was Mr. Simon Papyan, the deputy minister of Nature Protection).
Representatives from environmental NGO-s, state authorities, and communities adjacent to the mine, public council and international organizations participated in the discussion.
The event started with an informative film about the deposit’s exploitation project, prepared by Vallex group companies after which the following representatives made speeches and sounded their concerns: Hakob Sanasaryan, chairman of the “Green Union” of Armenia, Silva Adamyan, representative of the “Protection of Armenia’s Green Territories alliance” NGO, Kirk Wallace, representative of “Armenian environmental network” organization, Taron Simonyan, chairman of “Union of Lori youth” NGO, Samvel Shahinyan, head of the Geo-ecology department of University of Architecture and Construction etc. The issues raised, concerned both the possible ecological outcomes of the project realization and the role, which will have the project realization for the economy of Lori region.
Afterwards, with informative reports speeches were made by Yeghishe Kirakosyan, deputy minister of Justice of RA, Gagik Yeganyan, head of the State Migration Service of RA Ministry of Territorial Administration, Tigran Harutyunyan, deputy minister of Economy of RA, as well as the representatives of the Ministries of Energy and Natural Resources and Agriculture and Pavel Avetisyan, director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography. The speakers introduced the possessed information and the position of the relevant state authorities about the deposit exploitation project.
The deputy chairman of Vallex Group Companies Gagik Arzumanyan presented in details the current stage of the project realization and referred to the issues raised in the framework of the discussion.
In the framework of the discussion, one more time, the anticipated outcomes of the Teghout mining plant construction project were introduced in the context of social-economic and demographic situation of Lori marz. The representatives of the interested community were informed about the preservation of legal procedures, environmental measures set by the project, technological solutions and other aspects in the frameworks of the preparing works of the project. At the end, the coordinator of the meeting, deputy minister of Nature Protection of RA Simon Papyan summarized the results of the discussion and thanked the presents for participation.
According to the information we possess, members of “Trchkan” and “Save Teghout” public initiatives had been officially invited to the discussion by the working group, but trough the announcement they had spread on the eve, they refused to take part in it. However, some of them had arrived to Vanadzor. Though, being officially invited, they preferred not to take part in the discussion and express their disposition as per the format of the discussion, but to stay in front of the cultural center after Charles Aznavour or in the foyer. They were making an uncontrolled noise with drums, accompanying the people coming out of the hall with various utterances.