Geology laboratory research activities include:

  • Developing deposit exploration methods and guidelines;
  • Geological and technological cartography and industrial ore typification;
  • The investigation of ore and ore-bearing rock mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of exploration, petrophysical characteristics with the purpose of processing optimization;
  • Geological structural and geochemical study of deposits and ore fields to define mechanism of deposit formation and location and the development of geological and geochemical models;
  • The investigation of structure-phase, chemical and physical-chemical characteristics of nonmetallic raw materials from different deposits and the classification of the raw materials by the area of application;
  • Economic-geological evaluation of positive ore reserves and execution of technical and economic assessment of conditions for the estimation and re-estimation of reserves.


The geological laboratory prepares technical and economic assessments for ore conditions of Kajaran, Alaverdi, Agarak, Kapan, Teghout, Lichkvaz-Tey, Terterasar, Martsiget, Azatek, as well as for Vezhnali and Dag-Kyasamani (Azerbaijan), Mehmana and Drmbon (Mountaneous Karabakh) deposits. Laboratory has calculated Kajaran, Kapan, Sotk, Teghout, Lichk and Azatek deposit ore reserves.

It has developed exploitation exploration methods and guidelines for different deposits, including gold deposits (Sotk, Kanimansur (Tajikistan)), copper-molybdenum deposits (Kajaran, Agarak), copper deposits (Kapan, Shamlugh, Marneul (Georgia)), polymetallic deposits (Sadonian group (Northern Caucasus)).

The laboratory has developed automated samplers for core and slime sampling, which are introduced in Armenian mining enterprises, as well as Marneuli (Georgia) and Kanimansur (Tajikistan) deposits.